The Interactive SRD
The System Reference Document is full of tons of useful information for d20 game players. Let the 'interactive' version
of the SRD make it even more useful to you. Most of the tables and lists will be fitted with a 'generator' allowing you
to pick random items or make random decisions based on the contents of the conveniently formatted tables.
The iSRD Bundle Vol 1 is available for sale at It includes the following sections: Breaking Items 3.0, Equipment I 3.0, Equipment II 3.0, Feats 3.5, Intelligent
Items 3.0, Planes 3.5, Psionic Power Formatter 3.0, Psionic Powers List 3.0, Scrolls 3.5, Special Abilities 3.0, Staffs 3.5,
Traps 3.5, Treasure 3.0, Treasure 3.5, Wands 3.5 and Wondrous Items 3.0.
These programs require the use of a standards based browser capable of displaying images and running Javascript 1.5
(which must must be turned on). Please check out the following 3.0 demos if you're not sure.
June 1, 2004
Monsters! The d20 iSRD Bundle Volume 2 Now Available
Dimensions Game Software, creators of the Dungeon Dudes "Not Just Another Virtual
Pet", announces that Monsters! The iSRD bundle volume 2 is now available in the software section of
Not interested in rolling 48d10+594? Calculating hit points has never
been easier.
This bundle features 18 sections of the d20 SRD including monsters (A-Z), Monster Feats, Monsters as Races,
and Improving Monsters. Each has convenient .html formatting with javascript enhancements. Use your standard browser controls
such as copy, paste, print, etc.
This version of the SRD has been enhanced with the following interactive features: Hit
Point Generator for each monster Breath Weapon DC calculator for each dragon by type and age Random Monster Feat Table Random
Creature Improvement Table Random Monster by CR generator
Spells and Skills! iSRD Bundle Vol 3

Monsters! iSRD Bundle Vol 2

The iSRD Bundle Vol 1

Note: The Following are from the 3.0 SRD
Intelligent Items plus Bonus Generator
Breaking Items
Equipment One
Equipment Two
Wondrous Items
Special Abilities