Whether you call them spells, special abilities, miracles, divine intervention, skills, or feats, divination in one form or another is present in most games as well as most real-life societies. Divination ranges from the complex sacrificial cermonies of the Aztecs to the simple modern-day eight ball. This document provides definitions for nearly 200 types of divination as well as some simple guidelines to use when introducing divination to your game.
Some of the techniques here have robust histories with many examples of use throughout history associated with them. Some are less known, rarely reported, or fictional. A simple online search should provide plenty of information for GM's who really want to flesh out their campaign.
This field lists some examples of ability scores or attributes that are important for a character to possess when trying to perform divination. If the style of game you are playing does not use the same set of characteristics, then adjust them to the 'best match' as needed. Also, adjust the adjective descriptor to best fit the numerical system used in your game. Having a set of guidelines available for the players to consult is very important because in most games not all characters are going to be able to possess these skills.
This field tells the amount of time it takes for a character to make a 'reading' when attempting to divine the future or an unknown object. Sometimes, an image or premonition will occur almost instantaneously. Other times, hours or days may pass before the answer is given.
This value should consider the length of any required ritual or ceremony, as well as the amount of time (if any) spent waiting for the character to interpret the reading.
The options the generator uses are seconds, minutes, hours, or days. Of course it is possible that a time of weeks, months, or years may seem appropriate for your campaign.
This field gives a percentage of how accurate a reading is when successfully performed. Depending on the campaign setting, some types of divination will be more accurate than others. The generator assigns a random number; however, it is sensible for the GM to adjust this as needed. For example, a technique with 100% accuracy will provide the players with very straight-forward information, such as 'Teric the Grave will kidnap the mayor's daughter.' A less accurate technique might reveal, "A tall, male that is somehow associated with a cemetery will kidnap the mayor's daughter.'
Again, this is the accuracy of a reading and not the percent chance of making a reading. The percent chance of making a reading will depend on the mechanics of the game being played---such as the character's skill rank or level of intelligence.
This field gives a relative descriptor indicating how challenging it is to perform this type of divination. In some campaigns, Ailuromancy (using cats) may be very easy; in others, cats may be so rare or so common that making a reading is extremely difficult.
The options that the generator uses are: very easy, easy, average, difficult, and very difficult.
Type | Definition |
Abacomancy | Divination by using observations of the patterns of dust or the ashes of the deceased. |
Acutomancy | Divination by using sharp objects e.g. needles. |
Aeromancy | Divination by using signs in the air or other atmospheric phenomena e.g. thunder and lightning. |
Agalmatomancy | Divination by using statues. |
Ailuromancy | Divination by using observations of cats. |
Alectryomancy | Divination by using a male bird and grains of corn. |
Aleuromancy | Divination by using meal or flour. |
Alphitomancy | Divination by using a loaf of barley. |
Alveromancy | Divination by using sounds. |
Ambulomancy | Divination by using observations made while taking a walk. |
Amniomancy | Divination by using a caul (membrane that may envelope a child's head when born). |
Anemoscopy | Divination by using observations of the winds. |
Anthracomancy | Divination by using burning coals. |
Anthropomany | Divination by using human entrails. |
Alomancy | Divination by using salt. |
Apantomancy | Divination by using a chance object or interpreting omens from chance events. |
Arachnomancy | Divination by using observations of spiders. |
Arithmancy | Divination by using numbers e.g. assigning numerical values to letters in a name. |
Armomancy | Divination by using observations of someone's shoulders. |
Ashagalomancy | Divination by casting small bones. |
Aspidomancy | Divination by chanting on a shield. |
Astragalomancy | Divination by casting small bones. |
Astrology | Divination by interpreting the motions and positions of celestial bodies. |
Astromancy | Divination by the stars. |
Augury | The art of interpreting omens e.g. the flight and cries of birds. |
Austromancy | Divination by using observations of the winds. |
Auto-manzia | Divination by casting ten straight pins and three bent pins onto a dusted surface. Used by Italian Psychic Maria Rosa Donati-Evstigneeff. |
Axinomancy | Divination by using an axe-head. |
Batraquomancy | Divination by using observations of frogs. |
Belomancy | Divination by using arrows. |
Bibliomancy | Divination by using books; divination by using chance verses from the Bible. |
Bolomancy | Divination by using feathered arrows. |
Botanomancy | Divination by using plants especially vervein, briar, or heather leaves. |
Brontoscopy | Divination by using thunder. |
Capnomancy | Divination by using smoke especially the fumes of burning poppies. |
Captromancy | Divination by using a mirror. |
Cartomancy | Divination by using a deck of cards. |
Cartopedy | Divination by using observations of feet. |
Catoxtromancy | Divination by using looking glasses. |
Cattabomancy | Divination by using metal vessels, often brass. |
Causimomancy | Divination by using objects tossed in a fire. |
Cephalomancy | Divination by using a head especially of a goat or donkey. |
Cephalonomancy | Divination by using observations of the boiled head of a donkey. |
Ceraunomancy | Divination by using observations of lightning. |
Ceromancy | Divination by using observations of melted wax dripped into water. |
Chalcomancy | Divination by observing the sounds made when hitting metal bowls with a mallet. |
Chaomancy | Divination by using observations of the shapes of clouds. |
Chiromancy | Divination by inspecting the hand. |
Chresmomancy | Divination by interpreting the ravings of a lunatic. |
Chronomancy | Divination by using time. |
Cleidomancy | Divination by using a suspended key. |
Cledonomancy | Divination by interpreting random events or remarks. |
Cleromancy | Divination by lots e.g. beans, bones, or dice. |
Cometomancy | Divination by using observations of comets. |
Conchomancy | Divination by using shells. |
Coscinomancy | Divination by turning a sieve and a pair of tongs. |
Crithomancy | Divination by using meal strewn over sacrificed animals. |
Critomancy | Divination by using observations of the paste and flour of cakes offered as sacrifices. |
Cromniomancy | Divination by using onion sprouts. |
Crystallomancy | Divination by using a crystal ball, pool of water, or other transparent item. |
Cubomancy | Divination by using observations of cubes. |
Cyclomancy | Divination by using wheels. |
Dacryomancy | Divination by using tears or crying. |
Dactyliomancy | Divination by using a finger ring. |
Daphnomancy | Divination by using a burning laurel. |
Demonomancy | Divination by using oracles made by demons. |
Dendromancy | Divination by using oak and mistletoe. |
Dictiomancy | Divination by using a dictionary. |
Enoptromancy | Divination by using a mirror. |
Entomomancy | Divination by using observations of insects. |
Eromancy | Divination by using observations of bubbles in a vase of water when spoken into. |
Extispicy | Divination by inspection of the entrails of sacrificed victims. |
Felidomancy | Divination by using observations of cats. |
Floromancy | Divination by using flowers. |
Gastromancy | Divination by using images seen in the belly of glass vessels full of water or by using sounds from or signs on the stomach. |
Geloscopy | Divination by interpreting the tone of someone's voice and laughter. |
Genethlialogy | Divination by casting nativities (a horoscope at birth). |
Genethliacs | Divination by casting nativities (a horoscope at birth). |
Geomancy | Divination by using a handful of thrown dirt, pebbles, sand, seeds, or random dots. |
Graptomancy | Divination by using observations of a person't handwriting. |
Gyromancy | Divination by interpreting the point at which a person walks around in circles and falls down from dizziness. |
Halomancy | Divination by throwing salt into fire. |
Haruspicy | Divination by inspection of the entrails of sacrificed victims. |
Hematomancy | Divination by using blood. |
Hepatoscopy | Divination by using observations of the liver of sacrificed animals. |
Hieromancy | Divination by interpreting objects offered in religious sacrifices or sacred things. |
Hieroscopy | Divination by interpreting objects offered in religious sacrifices or sacred things. |
Hippomancy | hippo- (horse). |
Horoscopy | Divination by the casting of a horoscope (an observation of the configuration of the planets at a point in time). |
Hydromancy | Divination by using signs derived from water or rain. |
Hypnomancy | Divination by using sleep or hypnosis. |
I Ching | Divination by using the Ancient Chinese Book of Changes (the I Ching). |
Ichthyomancy | Divination by using observations of fish entrails. |
Idolomancy | Divination by using idols or images. |
Knissomancy | Divination by using burning frankincense. |
Lampodomancy | Divination by using observations of the flame from an oil lamp. |
Lecanomancy | Divination by using observations of a knife or other object thrown into a container of water. |
Libanomancy | Divination by using observations of smoke from incense thrown in a fire; combined with prayers. |
Lithomancy | Divination by using signs derived from a stone or stones e.g. a lodestone (a magnetite that is naturally magnetized). |
Livanomancy | Divination by using burning frankincense. |
Logarithmancy | Divination by using logarithm tables. |
Logomancy | Divination by using words. |
Lunomancy | Divination by using the shadows created by the moon on a person's face. |
Lychnomancy | Divination using an oil lamp or torch. |
Kephalonomancy | Divination by using the baked head of an ass or goat. |
Macharomancy | Divination by using knives and swords. |
Macromancy | Divination by using observations of large objects. |
Maculomancy | Divination by using observations of spots. |
Margaritomancy | Divination by using a pearl. |
Meconomancy | Divination by using sleep. |
Meteoromancy | Divination by using observation of celestial bodies. |
Metopomancy | Divination by using a person's facial wrinkles. |
Micromancy | Divination by using observations of small objects. |
Molybdomancy | Divination by using observations of motions in molten lead. |
Myomancy | Divination by using observations of mice or rats. |
Myrmomancy | Divination by using observations of ants. |
Nagomancy | Divination by communicating with the dead. |
Narcomancy | Divination by using sleep. |
Necyomancy | Divination by summoning or communicating with demons. |
Necromancy | Divination by communicating with the dead. |
Nephomancy | Divination by using observations of clouds. |
Nephromancy | Divination by using observations of the kidneys of sacrificed animals. |
Nomancy | Divination by using the letters of a person's name or by using a person's features. |
Numerology | Divination by using the significance of numbers. |
Oenomancy | Divination by using wine. |
Oculomancy | Dicination by using observations of a person's eyes. |
Odontomancy | Divination by using observations of a person's teeth. |
Omphilomancy | Divination by using the navel or umbilical cord. |
Omoplatoscopy | Divination by using observations of the cracks in a burning shoulder blade. |
Oneiromancy | Divination by interpreting dreams. |
Onimancy | Divination by using observations of the angel Urial. |
Onomancy | Divination by using names e.g. the significance of the number of letters in a given name. |
Onychomancy | Divination by observing fingernails. |
Oomancy | Divination by using observations of an egg broken into a glass of water. |
Ophiomancy | Divination by using snakes. |
Ornithomancy | Divination by observing the flight and cries of birds. |
Osteomancy | Divination by using bones. |
Palmistry | Divination by using observations of the lines and configurations of the palm. |
Pedomancy | Divination by using a person's footprint in clay. |
Pegomancy | Divination by using observations of the rings produced by dropping a stone into water. |
Phyllorhodomancy | Divination by using rose leaves. |
Physiogomancy | Divination by using observations of a person's face. |
Podomancy | Divination by using observations of feet. |
Psephomancy | Divination by using stones or beans marked with symbols or colors. |
Psychomancy | Divination by communicating with spirits. |
Pyromancy | Divination by using signs derived from fire. |
Rhabdomancy | Divination by using a rod or wand e.g. a divining-rod to find minerals or water. |
Rhapsodomancy | Divination by using random verses, passages, or words from the works of a great poet. |
Rune Stones | Divination by casting rune stones. |
Scapulimancy | Divination by observing the cracks in a burned shoulder-blade bone. |
Scatomancy | Divination by using observations of feces. |
Schematomancy | Divination by using observations of a person's form. |
Sciomancy | Divination by observing shadows or communicating with ghosts. |
Scrying | Divination by using observations of visions when staring into a shiny object. |
Scyphomancy | scypho- (cup). |
Selenomancy | Divination by using observations of the moon. |
Sideromancy | Divination by dropping dry straws into a hot iron skillet. |
Solmancy | Divination by using observations of the sun's rays. |
sortes Biblicae (L) | Divination by seeking guidance from a chance selection of the Bible. |
sortes Homericae (L) | Divination by seeking guidance from a chance selection of a passage from Homer. |
sortes Praenestinae (L) | Divination by casting letters of the alphabet and observing the words they formed. |
sortes Vergilianae (L) | Divination by seeking guidance from a chance selection of a passage from Virgil. |
sortilege | Divination by the casting of lots. |
Spasmatomancy | Divination by using twitches or convulsions. |
Spatulamancy | Divination by using an animal's shoulder blade. |
Splanchomancy | Divination by using the entrails of sacrificed victims. |
Spodomancy | Divination by using ashes from sacrificial fires. |
Spodanomancy | Divination by writing in ashes. |
Stercomancy | Divination by using observations of seeds in feces. |
Stareomancy | Divinition by using the elements. |
Sternomancy | Divination by using the markings between the breast and the belly or by speaking from the chest without moving the mouth. |
Stichomancy | Divination by using random lines of verse. |
Stoicheomancy | Divination by using the verses of Homer and/or Virgil. |
Stoichomancy | Divination by sticking a pin into a book opened at random, often the Bible. |
Stolisomancy | Divination by using observations of the way a person dresses. |
Sycomancy | Divination by using fig leaves. |
Tasseomancy | Divination by using tea leaves. |
Tephramancy | Divination by using ashes of burnt sacrificed victims. |
Thalassomancy | Divination by using observations of the tides or sea. |
Theomancy | Divination by using the prophecies of oracles. |
Theriomancy | Divination by using observations of a wild animal. |
Topomancy | Divination by using observations of landforms. |
Tyromancy | Divination by using observations of coagulated cheese. |
Uranomancy | Divination by using observations of the heavens. |
Urimancy | Divination by using observations of urine. |
Xenomancy | Divination by using observations of a stranger who is sought or happens to appear. |
Xylomancy | Divination by making observations of wood e.g. sticks found in one's path or the arrangement in a fireplace. |
Ydromancy | Divination by using signs derived from water or rain. |
Zoomancy | Divination by using animal forms. |
Zygomancy | Divination by using weights. |